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The smoky brown cockroach is an outdoor species fond of wooded areas. These roaches are highly sensitive to environmental shifts and target high-humidity zones for comfort. Unfortunately, they can pose a significant challenge for residents living in warmer climates.
Also, you can find these roaches in sewers and garbage. It makes them potential germs and disease carriers. So, it’s vital to be warned of the roaches lurking in dirty areas as they can risk your and your family’s health.
These insects are attracted to leaky roofs, stagnant water, wood piles, uncovered trash, and sewer openings. They can enter your property through small foundations or ventilation holes and even fly in through open windows and doors. Take steps to prevent infestations and protect your home.
The smoky brown cockroach earns its name due to its glossy, dark brown colour. While bearing a similar shape and size to American cockroaches, these pests display a consistent brown shade throughout their body. As a result, they lack the yellow accents found in American roaches.
These critters measure between 1¼ to 1½ inches in length and possess long wings that they use for food hunting and mating. Their antennae are also striking – stretching as long as their entire body or longer.
Female smoky roaches carry their egg capsule for a day before placing it in a hidden, moist area to hatch. Each egg case can produce up to 30 baby cockroaches or nymphs. With a single female roach capable of laying multiple egg cases, a few adult cockroaches on your property can quickly lead to a large infestation.
The nymphs of this cockroach species are darker in colour than the adults. They have distinctive white stripes on their body surface. It takes around 320 days for them to mature into adults.
These outdoor cockroaches can accidentally enter and cause issues in your home. In addition, these creepy crawlers are often found in unsanitary environments such as piles of dead leaves, wet mulch, and sewers.
You can find these critters in rain gutters or on roofs, as they are opportunistic feeders. If they enter your home while searching for food, they can contaminate your cooking and eating surfaces with harmful bacteria. Furthermore, their presence can worsen asthma for some individuals.
Tom’s Pest Control Adelaide is an expert in providing reasonably priced and reliable cockroach control services. As a result, we can safely remove the smoky brown roach infestation from your premises.
At our company, we believe in customising treatment plans to suit the specific needs of your property. Our goal is to rid your home or office of cockroaches and provide advice on how to prevent future infestations.
Moreover, we thoroughly inspect every inch of your property and exterminate pests, no matter their size. Therefore, you can trust us to efficiently eliminate any pest problems you may have.
Ensure a cockroach-free environment for your property by calling us today at (08) 8876 5311. Don’t wait.
Smoky cockroaches don’t have any distinct smell. However, their growing nymphs shed skin which can cause allergies and produce a pungent odour. Also, these roaches sit in unsanitary places such as dead leaves, drains, and sewers, which may cause them to carry foul smells.