Terms and Conditions

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Please note that occasional sightings do not warrant a service call. Unwarranted service calls may incur a call out fee.
Please ensure you have waited the required timeframe for the treatment to take effect and that all relevant recommended housekeeping actions listed below have been carried out prior to arranging a service call.

  • General tidy up of yard area, weed and trim back vegetation and remove any rubbish or debris (if external treatment required)
  • Trim back vegetation from outside walls, eaves, and gutters (if external treatment required).
  • Wash and flea treat all cats, dogs, and bedding materials (if you have pets).
  • General tidy up of kitchen area and home to keep free of foodstuffs.
  • Empty out and clean any affected cupboards and drawers (please leave empty).
  • Clean underneath your microwave, fridge, and stove (where applicable).

Terms and Conditions

All treatments are carried out in accordance with the states code of practice for the safe use of pesticides and herbicides in non-agricultural workplaces.
All chemicals are registered with the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) and are used in accordance with the approved product label.
No liability shall be accepted by Tom’s Pest Control for damage occurring from pest infestation/reinfestation or treatment.
Tom’s Pest Control has carried out a service ONLY for the pests named in the ‘Pests Treated’ section of this document in accordance with the following return service conditions:

  1. Tom’s Pest Control agrees to return and re-treat as deemed necessary by your technician free of charge (this may not include a complete re-treatment), should re infestation of ‘Pests Treated’ occur, only if:
  2. Reinfestation occurs within the specified service return period overleaf.
  3. Reinfestation has been reported to Tom’s Pest Control immediately upon you becoming aware of the reinfestation, provided this notification is within the specified free return period.
  4. All areas necessary for treatment were accessible and unobstructed at time or initial treatment or routine service, and
  5. The technicians Integrated Pest Management (IMP) recommended procedures were carried out.
  6. You have waited the required timeframe for the treatment to take effect (our standard waiting time for most treatments is two weeks)
  7. Payments must be made within Seven (7) days of issue of the invoice, failure to do so may void any warranties.
  8. Any free or return service is null and void if any service fee is still outstanding.
  9. An additional charge may be incurred if any of the above conditions are not complied with.

Below I got some extracted from the UK FOS T&C, as I think these should cover more areas/information. You can check the original ones here. And yes, I think there should be a link on the invoice, somewhere at the bottom with small letters, maybe right after the payment terms. Actually, these should be also on your website, some link to a pdf would be better, not an actual page, as may have to be updated from time to time and this way it’s easier.

Services Terms and Conditions 

Important notice about your contract 

Tom’s Pest Control acts as an introductory agent for pest service technicians and is authorised to enter into contracts with you on their behalf. Tom’s Pest Control will do this by taking your booking enquiry and allocating the booking to an appropriate pest technician.

Please read these terms and conditions carefully as they will be legally binding on you once you enter into a contract with a pest technician service provider.


1.1 When the following words with capital letters are used in these Terms, this is what they will mean: 

1.1.1 Tom’s Pest Control – the company registered as Tom’s Pest Control Pty Ltd with ABN 27 640 970 734, at VIC 3181

1.1.2 Consumer – an individual acting for purposes which are wholly or mainly outside that individual’s trade, business, craft or profession;

1.1.3 Provider – the pest technician, who performs and carries out all pest control services, as described in the pest control service information;

1.1.4 Materials – means any materials, goods, parts or items the Provider needs to buy necessarily in order to perform the Services, as may be set out in the confirmation correspondence;

1.1.5 Services – the pest control services that the Provider is providing to you in accordance with your booking and as set out in the confirmation correspondence;

1.1.6 Terms: the terms and conditions set out in this document;

1.1.7 GST: goods and services tax.


2.1 These Terms are the terms and conditions on which the Provider carries out the Services for you. Please ensure that you read them carefully. 

2.2 As a Consumer, your contract with the Provider will be formed in the following way: 

2.2.1 When you make a booking enquiry by telephone or email, you will be required to acknowledge that you have read and understood these Terms. 

2.2.2 Tom’s Pest Control will then provide you with a non-binding estimate based on the information you have provided. If you choose to proceed with the booking, your request to provide the Services will constitute an offer. 

2.2.3 Tom’s Pest Control will then send you confirmation of the pest control service,  setting out the price and other details of your booking and providing a copy of these Terms for your records. 

2.2.4 A day before your appointment, Tom’s Pest Control will send you a confirmation reminder – either via email or as a text message.


3.1 The Provider will supply the Services to you. 

3.2 The Provider will make every effort to provide the Services in accordance with the timescales, however, there may be delays due to an Event Outside the Provider’s Control.

3.3 The Provider will provide required equipment and materials to carry out the service as described in the confirmation correspondence.

3.3 During the provision of the Services to you by the Provider, the Provider and Tom’s Pest Control shall each maintain in force, with a reputable insurance company.


4.1 The Provider will provide you with clear instructions on what needs to be done by you prior to and after the Provider carries out the Service. You must comply with the Provider’s instructions, otherwise the Provider may be unable to carry out the Service at the appointed time. The instructions may require you to vacate your property temporarily during and following the completion of the Service and the Provider will not be responsible for you failure to comply with those instructions. 

Please note that occasional sightings do not warrant a service call. Unwarranted service calls may incur a call out fee.

Please ensure you have waited the required timeframe for the treatment to take effect and that all relevant recommended housekeeping actions listed below have been carried out prior to arranging a service call.

  • General tidy up of yard area, weed and trim back vegetation and remove any rubbish or debris (if external treatment required)
  • Trim back vegetation from outside walls, eaves, and gutters (if external treatment required).
  • Wash and flea treat all cats, dogs, and bedding materials (if you have pets).
  • General tidy up of kitchen area and home to keep free of foodstuffs.
  • Empty out and clean any affected cupboards and drawers (please leave empty).
  • Clean underneath your microwave, fridge, and stove (where applicable).

4.2 You will be responsible (at your own cost) for providing a running water supply and electricity from standard sockets at the property where the Services are to be carried out. You will also allow the Provider to use your toilet and washing facilities;

4.3 You will be responsible (at your own cost) for preparing your property for the supply of the Services including, where necessary, making safe any appliances or equipment at the property and removing any items from the areas in the property where the Provider will be performing the Services by the date or time when the Provider is due to start performing the Services.

4.4 Unless agreed otherwise in writing, you will be solely responsible for the removal of all waste materials from your property following completion of the Services. 


5.1 All treatments are carried out in accordance with the states code of practice for the safe use of pesticides and herbicides in non-agricultural workplaces.

5.2 All chemicals are registered with the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) and are used in accordance with the approved product label.


6.1 The price for the Services will be as agreed and confirmed in the initial confirmation correspondence. 

6.2 A separate call-out charge may be applicable. If a call-out charge applies, this will be made clear in the estimate provided to you at the time of making your booking. If the Provider attends your property to carry out the Services at the agreed time and date, but is unable to gain access or you cancel the Services after the Provider’s arrival, then the Provider shall be entitled to retain any call-out charge to cover the Provider’s travel and other expenses incurred as a result of having attended your property. 

6.3 All payments to be made by post, over the telephone or online, must be paid to Tom’s Pest Control  by credit/debit card, bank transfer (EFT) or bank deposit,  and shall be received by Tom’s Pest Control on behalf of the Provider. If you choose to pay for the Services by credit/debit card, you will be asked to provide your card details at the completion of the Services. Payments made via Tom’s Pest Control invoice link or mobile app will be processed by Tom’s Pest Control third-party payment processing partner Stripe, on completion of the Services.

6.4 All payments to be made in person on completion of the Services must be paid directly to the Provider in cash or credit/debit card.

6.5  The rates and prices include GST, where applicable.

6.6 Tom’s Pest Control  may ask you to make an advance payment of the price of the Services and, if applicable, the Provider Equipment and/or any Materials. If an advance payment is required, this will be agreed with you and you must make such payment in accordance with the terms specified in the initial confirmation correspondence.

6.7 The Provider will invoice you for the balance of the Services and, if applicable, the Provider Equipment and/or Materials (or the balances thereof, as the case may be) on or at any time after completion of the Services. You must pay each invoice in cleared funds by the due date specified in the invoice.

6.8 If you do not pay for the Services when you are supposed to as set out in 6.7, the Provider may suspend the Services with immediate effect until you have paid the outstanding amounts. Tom’s Pest Control will contact you to tell you this. 


No liability shall be accepted by Tom’s Pest Control for damage occurring from pest infestation/reinfestation or treatment.

Tom’s Pest Control has carried out a service ONLY for the pests named in the ‘Pests Treated’ section of this document in accordance with the following return service conditions:

7.1 Tom’s Pest Control agrees to return and re-treat as deemed necessary by your technician free of charge (this may not include a complete re-treatment), should re infestation of ‘Pests Treated’ occur, only if:

7.1.1 Reinfestation occurs within the specified service return period overleaf.

7.1.2 Reinfestation has been reported to Tom’s Pest Control immediately upon you becoming aware of the reinfestation, provided this notification is within the specified free return period.

7.1.3 All areas necessary for treatment were accessible and unobstructed at time or initial treatment or routine service, and

7.1.4 The technicians Integrated Pest Management (IMP) recommended procedures were carried out.

7.1.5 You have waited the required timeframe for the treatment to take effect (our standard waiting time for most treatments is two weeks)

7.2 Any free or return service is null and void if any service fee is still outstanding.

7.3 An additional charge may be incurred if any of the above conditions are not complied with.


Before the Provider begins to provide the Services, you have the following rights to cancel the Services (including where you choose to cancel because the Provider is affected by an Event Outside the Provider’s Control: 

8.1 You may cancel the Services without charge up to 48 hours before the start date for the Services by contacting Tom’s Pest Control. Tom’s Pest Control  will confirm your cancellation in writing to you.

8.2 If you cancel the Services under clause 8.1 and you have made any payment in advance for Services that have not been provided to you, these amounts will be refunded to you (less charges applied as per 8.3).

8.3 However, if you cancel the Services and the Provider has already started work in relation to the Services by that time, you will pay the Provider any costs the Provider has reasonably incurred in starting to fulfil the Services.


9.1. The Provider may have to cancel the Services before the start date for the Services, due to an Event Outside the Provider’s Control or the unavailability of key personnel or key materials without which the Provider cannot provide the Services. Tom’s Pest Control will promptly contact you if this happens.

9.2 Where the Provider has already started preparatory work in relation to the Services by the time the Provider has to cancel the Services under clause 9.1, the Provider will not charge you anything and you will not have to make any payment. Any advance payments will be refunded to you. 


If you have any questions or if you have any complaints, please contact Tom’s Pest Control using the following contact details: 

Telephone: 1300 866 773 

Email: [email protected]

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